
Thursday 17 May 2012

Effective communication

  • listen to parents concerns and take them seriously
  • be prepare to any question
  • keep a paper trail
  • do not be defensive and do not verbally attack a parent even if they challenge your credibility
  • always remain professional
  • if you need help dealing with a parent don't be afraid to ask a fellow teacher and administrator

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Characteristic of a kindergarten manager

Leadership is necessary to give confidence, especially in the direction of kindergarten and community organizations including parents .here are a few characteristic of being a good nursery manager.


Nursery manager needs to have knowledge on all aspects of his duties and responsibilities. Knowledge also important in guiding  a nursery to be systematic and avoid fraud by others who have bad intention to your business


To be a good kindergarten or chid centre manager, you have to be competence in every aspect of management especially in your daily task.  To manage the kindergarten, you requires smart decision making , allocation of time, allocation of duties to workers and of course to the problem. Efficient managers showed commitment and dedication to his responsibilities.

Well planned

All duties and responsibilities should be planned in order to make sure all program going perfectly. Nursery managers  have to prepared the best plan of action and make a decision . implement the results of a matter can’t be made in haste without systematic planning, except in circumstances which demand immediate managers make decisions.


nursery managers always need other people such as teachers and teaching assistants to complete the existing work. Distribution of duties or delegation of work to be done and manager should give confidence to every workers that they can perform tasks. By believing the workers, they will have more motivation to work hard because they feel trusted.


Manager also have to respect and  understand the workers to make sure the working environment always harmony and everybody feel comfortable to each other. Every opinion and point of view from workers must be consider by manager because normally workers spending more time in nursery compare to the manager. so workers will know a lot of problem that happen in the nursery.  Manager also have to show respect to parent and make good connection between them.

Two way communication

A good managers need to know how to communicate with the workers to make a good connection with them .A  managers must understand the needs of workers and always listening to what is required by the workers. This can lead to mutual understanding between managers and workers, and indirectly increase the quality of kindergarten. managers also should communicate with children and parents to ensure meaningful interaction occurs

 Encourage and support

Managers should always give encouragement and support to workers. besides motivation and workers performance, this feature shows the welfare and care managers understand workers noticed


communicate with parents
understand your workers..
communicate and be nice to children..

be a good leader a.k.a friend.. :)

dont always express your anger.. relax bro..hehe

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Useful Tips!!

There are some procedure to built your kindergarten or private kindergarten


A good kindergarten should be in the area that is conducive to teach, learn and suitable for development of children in accordance with the following criteria..
  •  Safe from the risk of accident and injuries and also secure the safety

  •          Away from the entertainment centre like karaoke centre

  • Air was clean, comfortable and safe to children also all staff in the kindergarten (do not disturb by pollution ex: air and noise pollutions)

  •          Have written consent of the nearest neighbour if the premises are in residential areas-next door neighbour like left and right of the premise.


  •   Every premise should be inspected and supported by the local authorities like Jabatan Perancang dan Kawalan Bangunan Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan, Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat dan Jabatan Kesihatan.
  • Ground floor is encouraged but multistory building can be considered if it meets safety standards in relation to the stairs, balconies and emergency exits and any rules and regulations set by the local authorities concerned.
  •          Kindergarten building must be in good condition, clean, beautiful and painted both inside and outside in order to look attractive and suitable for development and learning of children.
  •          Every kindergarten should have enough space for learning angles, different kinds of games and sports facilities and a toilet was appropriate according to the number and ages of children
  •          Kindergarten premises cannot be the place to stay.


  •  Kindergarten building should be in safe condition and construction materials are not from flammable materials.
  •   Should have at least two exit gates and doors must be easily opened without obstruction.
  •   The kitchen shall be separated, especially when using LP Gas.
  • Fire extinguishers shoul be conducted in accordance with the recommendation of the Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat 
  • The swimming pool or a place that can hold water in which the measurements must be approved by the local authorities. The area is fenced.
  • Furniture, toys and other materials used are not harmful.


    ·      Area, building and the floor should be clean and safe

  •          The number of toilets should be sufficient and in a clean, safe and comfortable for children
  •          Availability of suitable and sufficient washing.
  •          There is a complete first aid equipment.
  •          Every room should have adequate lighting and ventilation
         There is an appropriate waste disposal facilities and adequate. 

Name of Preschool 
       The proposed name must use the term kindergarten. Use terms like Playhouse, Garden Coaching, in the name Kindergarten Nursery School is not allowed.

    • The name given must have background of Malaysia.
    • Using National Language.
    •  The name given must be reasonable, not misleading, does not reflect something that is not true or touching any party.
    • The name does not match the name of other kindergarten
    • If the name used the names of important people, the applicant must obtain the written consent of the owner's name or his heirs (if he has died).
    • The name are not allowed:  
           -Name of the state, city or district
           -Name of political party or political party, summary
           -Names of the leaders or foreign dignitaries, and the names of individuals                     



    •  Programs and activities of every kindergarten must based on curriculum guidelines approved by the Minister of Education of Malaysia National Preschool Curriculum Standard
    • The languages ​​other than national can be used as a medium but where a kindergarten uses a language other than the national language, national language shall be taught as a compulsory subject.
    •  Education Islamic Mansion to Muslim children must by Muslim teachers.
    •  Moral education should be teach to children are not Muslims.